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John 7: 1-13 “The World Hates Me”

John 17:24-26 “With Me Where I Am”
John 17:9-13 “I Am Praying For Them”
John 17:6-8 “Those Whom You Have Given Me”
John 17:1-5 “Glorify Your Son”
John 16:25-33 “I Have Overcome The World”
Judges 10: 1-18 “He Became Impatient Over the Misery of Isreal”
John 16: 16-24 “Your Sorrow Will Be Turned Into Joy”
John 16:13-15 “But You Cannot Bear It Now”
John 16: 1-11 “Sin Righteousness & Judgement”
John 15:18-27 “If The World Hates You”
John 15:12-17 “I Have Called You Friends”
John 15:7-11 “If You Abide In Me”
John 15: 1-6 “I AM The True Vine”
John 14:25-31 “My Peace I Give To You”
John 14:15-24 “He It Is That Loves Me”
John 14:7-14 “Whatever You Ask In My Name”
John 14:1-6 “Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled”
John 13:33-38 “A New Commandment”
John 13:21-32 “One Of You Will Betray Me”
John 13:12-20 “I Have Given You An Example”
John 13:2-11 “If I Do Not Wash You”
John 13:1 “He Loved Them To The End”
John 12: 36-50 “They Still Did Not Believe Him”
John 12:27-36 “Now Is My Soul Troubled”
John 12: 20-29 “The Hour Has Come”
John 12: 12-19 “Fear Not, Daughter of Zion”
John 12:1-11 “The Fragrance Of The Perfume”
John 11:45-57 “Better That One Man Should Die”
John 11: 38-44 “Lazarus Come Forth”
John 11: 17-37 ” I Am The Resurrection And The Life”
John 11:1-16 “The One That You Love Is Sick”
John 10:22-42 “My Sheep Hear My Voice”
John 10:11-21 ” I AM The Good Shepherd”
John 10:1-10 “I AM The Door”
John 9 “A Man Born Blind”
John 8: 48-59 “Before Abraham Was, I AM”
John 8: 39-49 “You Are of Your Father The Devil”
John 8:31-36 ” If You Abide In My Word”
John 8:12-30 “I AM The Light Of The World”
John 8: 1-11 “Go, And Sin No More”
John 7: 37-53 “Rivers of Living Water”
John 7: 14-36 “Why Are You Seeking To Kill Me”
John 7: 1-13 “The World Hates Me”
John 6: 66-72 “Will You Also Go Away”
John 6:41-65 “Do Not Grumble”
John 6:35-40 “All That The Father Gives To Me”
John 6: 22-36 “I Am The Bread Of Life”
John 6:16-21 “It Is I; Do Not Be Afraid”
John 6: 1-15 “About 5,000 In Number”
John 5: 30-47 “And You Do Not Receive me”
John 5: 25-29 “Those Who Hear Will Live”
John 5: 16-24 “Equal With God”
John 5: 1-16 ” A Pool Called Bethesda”
John 4: 43-54 “Go; Your Son Will Live”
John 4: 31-42 “White For Harvest”
John 4: 15-30 “True Worshippers”
John 4:1-14 “Living Water”
John 3:22-36 “He Must Increase I Must Decrease”
John 3: 17-21 “This Is The Verdict”
John 3:16 “For God So Loved The World”
John 3:11-15 “So Must The Son of Man Be Lifted Up”
John 3:1-10 “You Must Be Born Again”
John 2: 18-25 “Destroy This Temple”
John 2: 12-17 “Zeal for your house has consumed me “
John 2:1-11 “Water into Wine”
John 1:35-51 “Come and see”
John 1:19-34 “Behold the Lamb of God”
John 1:14-18 “Full of Grace and Truth”
John 1:6-13 “True Light”
John 1: 1-5 “And The Word Was God”